download maps 1, 2 to 36 collaborations of sustainability generation
over 50 years fazle abed helped billion asian poorest village mothers design village networking solutions so that next girls and boys born enjoyed a life of love and opportunity mapping brac is difficult becuuse it grew about 30% a year in village livelihood trainers ; it needed to do this to achieve nation building goals like raising bangladesh life expectancy from 25 below world average to average- in abeds 50 years villagers gained literally a generation brac was also selectively the most collaborative organisation so sustainability purposes of all its partners grew in ways beyond numbers what brac grew at more normal rates wete monetary accounts within its own organisation we have chosen to start by mapping the new partnering networks in abed blended through 3rd decade: 1992-2002 was the decade that bridged village solution without electricity grids or wired telephones to imagining how vilagers could choose optimal leapfrog parters now that solar and mobile phones could connect the world's most loving -brac newer webs 4.5 1.3
G3 Village Health Networks3.4 tb tuberculosis
3.5 partners affordable health -frugal , last mile– bottom of pyramid collabs
3.6 reunite epidemiologists + tropical disease + community health leaders- james grant school of public health
3.1 doordash non-prescription medicines
3.2 maternal skill oral rehydration
3.3 continent-scale vaccination

village food production
2.4 brac poultry -first of 14 nation leading enterprises
2.5 brac dairy second of 14 nation lead enterprises>
2.1 village rice production
2.2 village veggie production
2.3 village crafts and rural to earn income from city ...
4.4 brac university
4.6 james grant school of public health
4.1 adult livelihood education
4.2 primary education
4.3 secondarry girls clubs libraries
5.3 bracnet
5.1 100000 person metavillage
5.2 billion women collab.

1 finance to end poverty
1.1 transformation aid model- microfranchiing plus best ever grants solutions
1.2 brac microfinance plus

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

 What clues from your family tree match adam smith's lessons on preventing human extinction?

Adam Smith was in the right time and space to question how the age of machines and humans would be the most exciting time to be alive- for better or worse machines could change everything. Adam tried to map how every perosns life could have equal accees to applying machines

We can divide adam's exciting times into 3 urgent future reviews:

the next 10 years sustainability goals- eg come to adam smiths glasgow uni cop 26 to mediate that

the first 75 years of the birth of the united nations 1945-2020

the first 165 years of humans and machines which climaxed in world war 2

I come from 5 generations of diaspora scots - so my family tree's cluetrain is quite long- in particular my father trained hundreds of journalists for humanity that most  history is bunk - its written by the rich and famous not by we the peoples family tree.

Lets' suppose you are american - your family tree's most urgent lessons for preventing extinction wont be the same as mine but can we find some snaps. if you are an american woman you have different lessons than american man; if you are a native american you have different lessons than if you are an immigrant; if you are an american white, what white empire crisis in rurope did you family flee from to help unite the american dream; if you are american black or brown, what is the most unique lesson to prevent extinction of our children or their childrens childrens. these are the most exciting times to list clues to how 7.5 billion beings can help save each other

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