download maps 1, 2 to 36 collaborations of sustainability generation
over 50 years fazle abed helped billion asian poorest village mothers design village networking solutions so that next girls and boys born enjoyed a life of love and opportunity mapping brac is difficult becuuse it grew about 30% a year in village livelihood trainers ; it needed to do this to achieve nation building goals like raising bangladesh life expectancy from 25 below world average to average- in abeds 50 years villagers gained literally a generation brac was also selectively the most collaborative organisation so sustainability purposes of all its partners grew in ways beyond numbers what brac grew at more normal rates wete monetary accounts within its own organisation we have chosen to start by mapping the new partnering networks in abed blended through 3rd decade: 1992-2002 was the decade that bridged village solution without electricity grids or wired telephones to imagining how vilagers could choose optimal leapfrog parters now that solar and mobile phones could connect the world's most loving -brac newer webs 4.5 1.3
G3 Village Health Networks3.4 tb tuberculosis
3.5 partners affordable health -frugal , last mile– bottom of pyramid collabs
3.6 reunite epidemiologists + tropical disease + community health leaders- james grant school of public health
3.1 doordash non-prescription medicines
3.2 maternal skill oral rehydration
3.3 continent-scale vaccination

village food production
2.4 brac poultry -first of 14 nation leading enterprises
2.5 brac dairy second of 14 nation lead enterprises>
2.1 village rice production
2.2 village veggie production
2.3 village crafts and rural to earn income from city ...
4.4 brac university
4.6 james grant school of public health
4.1 adult livelihood education
4.2 primary education
4.3 secondarry girls clubs libraries
5.3 bracnet
5.1 100000 person metavillage
5.2 billion women collab.

1 finance to end poverty
1.1 transformation aid model- microfranchiing plus best ever grants solutions
1.2 brac microfinance plus

Sunday, July 18, 2021

1995 the year when digital went worldwide writes: when i co-edited the 2025 report in 1984 with my farher the economist's norman macrae usa had a ten year (100 fold) tech advance on rest of the world- so the personal computing age and its killer apps were globally determined by amercans- mainly the likes of gates and jobs and silicon valley venture cap gates ; its true that berners lee's web as xmas gift in 1989 implied the next 100 fold leap might offer more 360 degree design but then in 1995 amazon redefined the web as 99% for selling instead of sharing life critical knowhow; and that might have left americans to rule the webs waves - except it didnt due to 2 rather good pieces of serendipity

1 enter jack ma- ma's presence as a wizard of community engagement is like the forest gump of his generation; his parents had been street players but china's cultural revolution turned against that form of social media - so they had sort of retired to hangzhou which luckily for jack became designated as a first tourist town open to 1970s world- so from age 11 to 30 jack became both a tour guide and hus generation's most effective english language teacher and penpal friendship connector of china and anywhere tourists connect; by 1995 he also had a translation business- he was hired to make his first trip to usa seattle 1995- there he saw amazon's launch and thought how will ecommerce be designed when it coes to china; in china the extraordinary idea that ended bad communism ( by which i mean stalin's) was when you see a huge innovation test it our rurally first- so jack was determined to become the world's biggest market maker by including village livelihood supply chains- the exact opposite of the pressure by wall street on bezos; its true that jack had 10 years to find partners -see eg jack & yahoo/taiwan & softbank/japan  - and play iteratively with concepts before enough digital and real infrastrucrure was in place for there to be digital customers or suppliers-  but anyone who researches the dual platforms of taobao and alibaba can see almost every design choice jack made differed from bezos- and being linked in to small enterprise value chains it fits with how the w2ohole of asia rising has happened since 1962- moreover chinese people was desperately lucky- they went straight to mobiles and banks did not pass go by issuing credit cards; so jack leaped ahead with digital cash transfer not designed round putting the population in debt- again ts asia choice which sort of efinance did you want


starting in 1995; those inspired by billion women nation building out of bangladesh brought both solar charging and mobiles to villages which had never seen electricity grids let alone phones - so even deeper digital solutions to end poverty began to emerge from blending real and virtual networking

at we map 30 hunicorns that partnerships around abed have built as networks too valuable for women empowerment for investors to exit from or politicians to quarrel over; 13 of these were designed in the 25 years before tecg came to the villages; 17 grew exponemtially with tech support

Saturday, July 17, 2021