download maps 1, 2 to 36 collaborations of sustainability generation
over 50 years fazle abed helped billion asian poorest village mothers design village networking solutions so that next girls and boys born enjoyed a life of love and opportunity mapping brac is difficult becuuse it grew about 30% a year in village livelihood trainers ; it needed to do this to achieve nation building goals like raising bangladesh life expectancy from 25 below world average to average- in abeds 50 years villagers gained literally a generation brac was also selectively the most collaborative organisation so sustainability purposes of all its partners grew in ways beyond numbers what brac grew at more normal rates wete monetary accounts within its own organisation we have chosen to start by mapping the new partnering networks in abed blended through 3rd decade: 1992-2002 was the decade that bridged village solution without electricity grids or wired telephones to imagining how vilagers could choose optimal leapfrog parters now that solar and mobile phones could connect the world's most loving -brac newer webs 4.5 1.3
G3 Village Health Networks3.4 tb tuberculosis
3.5 partners affordable health -frugal , last mile– bottom of pyramid collabs
3.6 reunite epidemiologists + tropical disease + community health leaders- james grant school of public health
3.1 doordash non-prescription medicines
3.2 maternal skill oral rehydration
3.3 continent-scale vaccination

village food production
2.4 brac poultry -first of 14 nation leading enterprises
2.5 brac dairy second of 14 nation lead enterprises>
2.1 village rice production
2.2 village veggie production
2.3 village crafts and rural to earn income from city ...
4.4 brac university
4.6 james grant school of public health
4.1 adult livelihood education
4.2 primary education
4.3 secondarry girls clubs libraries
5.3 bracnet
5.1 100000 person metavillage
5.2 billion women collab.

1 finance to end poverty
1.1 transformation aid model- microfranchiing plus best ever grants solutions
1.2 brac microfinance plus

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

3 of history's most interesting teenage explorers of new universities -1880s gandhi 1950s singh and abed

if you disagree with this diaspora scottish team recount of the 260 years since Adam Smith asked 4 big question on the future of markets alongside fellow Glasgow U James Watt of the future of Industrial Revolution and Engines, please know that we follow The Economist's time honored offer- we will publish any letter we understand as long as it does not express hatred and it offers a clear contact point

The teenage Gandhi didn't see anything worth life time studies in mumbai so he crowdfunded from his family to go to london (then centre of empire) to qualify as a barrister at bar of london. It was quite a future shock for everyone involved -eg gandhi was dismayed how many students of ruling the empire seemed to be drunk by the time. Gandhi spent his relaxation time forming a cross-cultural consciousness student network of every foreign student in london who didnt partake of alcohol. This was one of 7 accidents that was to make him the most worldwide  networked person of his era -at least across the continents of asia where most people lived,  africa and europe. Much later Gandhi was to perfect interacting with the quakers. They are one of the most peaceful revolutionary ovemnts. They invite the most powerful people to speak to a circle of them with one house rule. Once the speaker has spoken anyone in the circle is free to ask one and only one question. This reverses the usual question time - where there is a battle to be one of the few questioners. In the quakers format question first has no advanatage,. The circle literally quakes to see who will be the ice bfreaket with the high and mighty speaker. May eastern conscious group formats minimise verbal interactions anyway- somehow quaker and consiousness quitely took london by stomrn in the 1920s. This was one of 2 reasons why london gave away itgs empire so quicky. The other was the nation was too broke afyer world war 2 to try and oppose a fifth of teh worlds peoples demands. Yet the duasvdnatge of this was the hnadoer was hasty. The lawyer who darfyed version 0 of the legalese of india's indpeeence and gandhi had both expected the whole contient to be one united states of india. At le last moment west pakiatans aga khan family's stamped on mountbaten food and demanded a partitioning - so one fofth of peop,ke ended up with india and west pakitan as a new empire ruling over east pakistan
the second and third accidents occurred when he returned to bombay (now called mumbai) to find himself overqualified- those with big legal cases wanted a british bar of london barrister. GOING VIRAL Gandhi started writing about community challenges for a local newspaper. He would also pay street boys to sample copies of his writings. meanwhile he was finally offered a stream of work by the indian diaspora in south africa- before taking up this position- one of his articles had been sent by reuters from mumbai to london- the brits started spying on how was it that a young indian was linking across the empire on deeply social issues but with the legal power of a barrister

Although mush of gandhi's work only served to slightly delay apartheid becoming south afric a's legal system it wasnt until 1906 whyen he himself ws thrown out of a train for having the wrong colered skin to travel firsy class that gandhi hasd his aha moment - the law of london was spiralling poverty among his kinsfolk- not just in south africa but back home in india. Gandhi had a plan- aim to design a to0tally new livelihood-based education system before confronting lawyers with demnds for independence.
4th accident Over the next 20 years ganhi commuted between bombay, durban and london- the ships he took started to becoem a floating university with a few weeks of courses mediated by MG. On one of hos stopvers in london world war 1 broke lout. Gandhi wasnt able to sail for several months- so as a pacofist he joined tghe war effor by serving in london's red cross. Community health sevrices were to become a core curriculum in gandhi's education for all grades. He formed ashram which were vilage cooperatives where whole failies lived and both worked and learned togethr on food security and other rural developments including hme made textiles.
5th accident a centrepiece of ganhi's last vist to lonodn was a so-called roundtabe in 1925 at the quakers house auditorium opposite eueton station - one of the only affirdbale space where over 1000 people can meet. By this time people from all over europe were coming to listen to an asian who was declaring this ws his last visit to tghe capital and stgart of his peacefujl disobedience caapigns back in india. Surprisingly a row started with the suffragettes claiming gandhi was too chauvinistc - if he was going to free the fifth of the world who came form India- how would he include women. It is rumored that this is how maria motessori was matched up with him - both the most innovative educatgi9r of her age and a woman who dared launch a new form of schooling all acrosd Indian villages. When it comes to total educational reforme- Gandhi may not qui9te have scaled a new university but with mari he changed primary education especially in rural area
6th gandhi ivented tabloid publicity stunts with serious messages. British Law monolpoised the making of salt. So Gandhi organses  a march from the rural ares to the coast where his comrades started to boil sea water to make saly cruistals. They were besten over the head by british troops supported by salts monoply law. My maternal bradfather - choef justice of mumbai- spent 20 yeras judging Gandhi befio9rfe gradad last job writing up the lealese of india's independemce.
7 so it was the father of india independence became his half century's most fsamous man across the half hempisher of the old world- and just at that peak was assasinated.

In the 1950s Manmohan Singh went to cor[us christo cambrisgde to stidy with Keynes (died 1946) favorite tutirs. His thesis how to design national economies aso as to compound no underclasses inside the nation or acrfoss borders to neighbouring nations. Singh appeared at indika's inflecyion point in the mid 1990s - tgeh fkirst tgime india effectively came out tfo world markets. He may not have been able to reform Indi's bureaucracy much but he was there at indioa's liftoff as a worfld trader- and while there many nevver be a new university of manmohan singh its his worfld trade alumni that give the fifth of people who come from india a leap into the 21st C

Also in te 1950s Fazle Abed came from what by then was caleld East Pakistan (ie what had been the most eastrely coastgal area of India under Britanmis) to Glasgow Uiversoty t studny the future of shpo enginnering. In one sense Glasgow U was a good choinc as since the 1760 it has been the origin of alumni of moral markets as well as the future of engines.Aned spent teh 1960s becoming an accountgant. In teh 2020s any university that is not connected withy brac parters cant really claim to be freeing its stduents ti dio the most ulta solutions of any of thye 17 sdgs- if you dint have the truts of the veryb poorest quarter billion of vilage women you cant expect to so sustainability goals for the bottom billion of even the boot half of the world.

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