download maps 1, 2 to 36 collaborations of sustainability generation
over 50 years fazle abed helped billion asian poorest village mothers design village networking solutions so that next girls and boys born enjoyed a life of love and opportunity mapping brac is difficult becuuse it grew about 30% a year in village livelihood trainers ; it needed to do this to achieve nation building goals like raising bangladesh life expectancy from 25 below world average to average- in abeds 50 years villagers gained literally a generation brac was also selectively the most collaborative organisation so sustainability purposes of all its partners grew in ways beyond numbers what brac grew at more normal rates wete monetary accounts within its own organisation we have chosen to start by mapping the new partnering networks in abed blended through 3rd decade: 1992-2002 was the decade that bridged village solution without electricity grids or wired telephones to imagining how vilagers could choose optimal leapfrog parters now that solar and mobile phones could connect the world's most loving -brac newer webs 4.5 1.3
G3 Village Health Networks3.4 tb tuberculosis
3.5 partners affordable health -frugal , last mile– bottom of pyramid collabs
3.6 reunite epidemiologists + tropical disease + community health leaders- james grant school of public health
3.1 doordash non-prescription medicines
3.2 maternal skill oral rehydration
3.3 continent-scale vaccination

village food production
2.4 brac poultry -first of 14 nation leading enterprises
2.5 brac dairy second of 14 nation lead enterprises>
2.1 village rice production
2.2 village veggie production
2.3 village crafts and rural to earn income from city ...
4.4 brac university
4.6 james grant school of public health
4.1 adult livelihood education
4.2 primary education
4.3 secondarry girls clubs libraries
5.3 bracnet
5.1 100000 person metavillage
5.2 billion women collab.

1 finance to end poverty
1.1 transformation aid model- microfranchiing plus best ever grants solutions
1.2 brac microfinance plus

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Glasgow Yunus Centre May visit to Prepare for July Microeconomics Yunus summit and congratulate world's 2nd social business professor

dear tav and sofia

as team members of the usmmer 2008 journey to Dhaka Yunus10000 dvd project -you are both invited to this deep action learning trip

6th may evening main with Dr Z to discuss july microeconomics summit with Muhammad Yunus - part 2 of the Royal Automobile Club theme that every once in a generation microeconomist need to unite to collaboratively overthrow macroeconomists, renew sustainability of community economy - however the 2010s is the world's most exciting decade beause this is the last call for microeconomist networking - previously it was only separate civilisations tht microeconomists crashed into and set back for many generatins, this time its the worldwide

7th may morning meeting to discss concept of Journal of Social Business; afternoon meting to discuss whetehr Glasgow caledobian would host the microeconomics archives on Norman macre due to lask of apparent interest of The Economist (subject to one more leter being sent round shareholders)

10th may celebrate with worlod's second socil business professor

my twice great grandfather hosted weekly job camps on the isle of arran in 1840s; will visiit during weekend; after banking fraud in 1700 the english took over scotland and by 1850 half of all jobs were lost- infamously english accountants were sent up to scottish landlords wth taxation schedules based on you make more profit quarterly with sheep than humans; I guess this was trivial stuff compared with the slavetrading industry english empire was spinning; poor scotland which in 1700 had led europe in investing in schools and youth become a backwater; this is why adam smith studied what he did, and why his alumni in france coined the word entrepreneur; (literally the "between take" they were celebrating was having cut off heads of royalty who were monopolising productive assets wht social economy will france develop) ;,more ... if you look back through history of economics as far back as adam smith you find that once in a generation microeconomists need to collaborate -and invent new media to free markets - to overthrow macroeconomiats; where they dont civiilsations fall or wars spread; the only difference in 2010s is if we cock up microeconomics networking all civlisation will globally fall simulltaneously; as yunus new book sys 2010s is truly the most exciting decade to network for the human race



I need to fnd some scottish bookclub leaders who can plug and ply with and - mostofa has anyone from galsgow ever interned at grameen

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Sofia 1
alumni of inaugural global grameen summit nov 2009

Jonathan (link with lesley s. africa)

Gladius explorer of what Drucker meant by eg knowledge wporklers could liberate 50 times more productivity




Emmanuel Marchant

Robert de Quelen

Home of 21st C favourite youth & "entreprenons" media


check Lisa


zasheeh ahmed


Chris Macrae

sam-daley harris of

Eric Meade vice president of Alvin Toffler Institute
chris is alumni of inaugural global grameen summit nov 2009

Community Actvists: Beyond Wall Street"

GWU Alex

Michael C

Melissa Carrier main academic sponsor of yunus booktalk May 2010 (Building Social Business) premier


.chris temple

holly bonsai movie and melanie the global summit (knows 100 million job creator gunter pauli)

the green children

the yunus cengtre at csuci

south africa

lesley williams aiming to buold joburg hub alumni of 2010 kenya microcreditsummit


.borje first interim director of AIT Yunus Centre Bangkok, alumni of inaugural global grameen summit nov 2009

Friday, April 16, 2010


Samantha Caccamo samantha.caccamo

Some of Italy's Key SB Cases
Cure2Children - eg