before we started drowning in today's fake media, by 1945 we were drowning in fake history and genomics- in a certain sense the un was born to resolve this before extinction became inevitable
following einstein and chaos theory - we define system as anything that could compound extinction of human beings if professionals draw wrong borders around it- eg einstein proved man's science is always approximation constrained by how micro mans measurememts are - in other words eistein expected something as small as covid would pose extinction challenges- so 2021's biggest question seems to be what was the global management structure governing researchers who linked by worldwide virus creation
dedication to associate mappers 90% of world trade is shipped- hence understanding bay area vital to livelihoods- counter examples also may offer clues to sdg generation
..2020 out of virus darkness, the free uni of humanising AI arises -thanks to UN Geneva | ... | Europe Bay1 med sea fractured 1500 as North Sea nations raced to rule the waves.. | Asia Bay 2 happiest since 1962?.. | California bay- brain drain's tech epicentre first 4 decades moores law.. | Africa -a continent to 2020 excluded from bay for the peoples.. |